Meradeth Houston

A little bit about me...

I've never been a big fan of talking about myself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about me:

>I'm a California girl now braving the cold winters in Montana.

>I am a molecular anthropologist. Translation: I sequence dead people's DNA.

>I've been writing since I was 11 years old. It's my hobby, my passion, and I'm so happy to get to share my work!

>My other passion is teaching. There's nothing more fun than getting a classroom of college kids fired up about anthropology! This is probably a good thing, since my day job requires me to teach at the local university.

>If I could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because I'm terrified of heights.

>I am represented by the awesome Cristi Marchetti of Firebrand Literary, who shares my passion for great books and anthropology.